We manage the best selection of literary works for audiovisual adaptation.
The Dead Do Speak (Los muertos sí hablan)
Traitors of Art (Traidores del arte)
Anna and Vera Series
The Perfect Mum (Mamá perfecta – original project)
Electric Shamans at the Sun Festival (Chamanes eléctricos en la fiesta del sol)
Kill The Next One (La última salida)
The Inhabited Woman (La mujer habitada)
What if the sea was drying up? (¿Y si se fuera secando el mar?)
A Shared Lie (Una mentira compartida)
Crazy About Her (Loco por ella)
Scoring Love (Puntuando el amor)
Only Among Girls (Solo tra ragazze)
The Barcelona Trilogy (Trilogía de Barcelona)
The Sisterhood of the Bad Daughters (La hermandad de las malas hijas)
600 Nights Later: Crime, Mystery and Romance (600 noches después: crimen, misterio y romance)
A Silence Full Of Whispers (Un silencio lleno de murmullos)
How to acquire rights?
If you are interested in acquiring the rights to a work, complete the following form and we will contact you shortly.