Escape to find love (Útěk za láskou)

A boyfriend could be a movie star without you even realizing?


Having a famous actor as a father is no piece of cake. Because of a fanatic who threatens Emma’s family, she has to leave her friends, school, and her beloved free-running parkour to flee thousands of kilometres away from Prague to Boston (could be any other place). She moves in with her mother. She misses home and is not happy, but everything changes when she meets Nate, the most handsome boy she has ever seen. Who Nate really is, Emma does not yet know. He disguises himself at school, always wearing a cap and black sunglasses. It is rumoured he has a criminal past and his bodyguards are considered police surveillance.
Thanks to her father’s fame, Emma hates the entertainment business. She doesn’t go to the cinema, avoids all actors, doesn’t read newspapers, so she doesn’t recognise Nate. Not until they’ve become close enough to spend Christmas together in New York, where her friends, who’ve come for the free-running competition, join her, and they tell her Nate is a famous actor. Emma and Nate argue, why did he lie to her?

Emma is harassed also in Boston, and her dad, worrying about her, ends up moving there. Her parents will patch things up, and Nate wins Emma back.


RELEVANT DATA: Escape to Find Love is a romance story that partially takes place in the Czech Republic and partially in the US.

Petra Martišková is a renowned Czech contemporary author who has published over 25 books for kids and teenagers. Her books for teenage girls are bestsellers. She creates trailers for her books with thousands of views on YouTube and has thousands of followers on social media.

What the critics and readers have said:

“Another great title by this writer, which not only competes with American new adult books, but is directly comparable to them. For me, it is one of my favorite novels in this genre.” Databazeknih

“The book is very original, and the denouement is excellent.” Cbdb

“This isn’t really a book so much as it is a movie script for an over-sweetened, slightly action-packed American romantic comedy.” Databazeknih


AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.


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