Rumors (Zvěsti)

There may be a myriad of rumors, but the truth is only one…


In a small Czech town, stepbrothers Kryštof and Tomáš can’t find common ground, Karin doubts about her love for her possessive boyfriend Alex, Pavel is in love with Daniela, Julián is tormented by his parent’s infidelity, Matyáš is hiding his homosexual relationship from the others, and Daniela is just trying to forget…

Six months ago, the body of their classmate Erik was found in a nearby quarry. What really happened that night? The police concur that it was a murder but have not caught the perpetrator. The event has had a profound impact on Erik’s brother Matyáš. Erik was the only one to whom Matyáš has confided about his homosexuality.

Another tragic event occurs in the town: a failed murder attempt by Alex, whom they consider a friend. Are these events related? Yes, in that the perpetrator is among them.

A gripping story that keeps you doubting about who is the murderer until the very end.


RELEVANT DATA: Rumors is a young adult heavy contemporary novel with elements of a thriller. The author of nine books, Aleš Novotný, is credited for a bestselling collection of short stories and has recently published two audiobooks, Think About the Death and I, Death. Aleš Novotný focuses on young adult, thriller, and crime genres.

What the critics and readers have said:

“[…] It was read in one breath. A nice relaxing book, but one that also asks the important questions of life.” Cbdb

“A truly excellent book! Unpredictable.” Databazeknih

“An emotional roller coaster.” Goodreads


AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.


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