Etiqueta: Black mood

  • Portraits of love and humor (Cuadros de amor y humor, al fresco)

    The play tells 30 short scenes represented by four actors, who deal with situations of love and humor. It is a portrait of our society at […]

  • Ten Euros for a drink (Diez euros la copa)

    The play presents four builders from different generations facing the economic crisis. During their lunch break, the four of them talk about love, desire, friendship, fidelity […]

  • Carlota

    Charlie Barrington is in the street, next to his house, talking with Sgt. Harris, while waiting for the detective Douglas Hilton. They listen Carlota, Charlie's wife, playing […]

  • The case of the murdered woman (El caso de la mujer asesinadita)

    Mercedes is a wealthy woman who shares her boring life with her husband Lorenzo and the servants Teresa, Rosaura and Renato, in a villa on the […]

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