Etiqueta: Class difference
Nystagmus (Nistagmo)
The Inspector Touré Saga (TV Series)
19 Cameras | 612 Euros | The Shadows of Nowhere Sewer Games | Moleskin | Don’t Say Anything Touré is an incredibly charismatic illegal […]
Crossed lives (Vidas cruzadas)
The Cook of Castamar (La cocinera de Castamar) (TV Series)
Available on Netflix She forges her way to the heart of the duke himself. Spain, 1720. Clara Belmonte is a young woman from a well-off […]
The Photographer’s Daughter (La hija del fotógrafo)
Chanel Kisses (Besos de Chanel)
¿Does money bring happiness? Valeria Cifuentes has it all. Immense wealth, a stable marriage, and a wonderful child. But her life takes a turn when she's […]
The Bridesman
El pasado llama a tu puerta. Micha es un expatriado israelí residente en Los Ángeles, donde lleva una vida tranquila y trabaja como escritor fantasma. Un […]
The Queen’s Jeweler (El joyero de la reina)
Jewelry helps you forget the dark side of life. In the year 2014, Queen Letizia received from Queen Sofía the most beautiful legacy of the Spanish […]
Unmask (Sin máscara)
The honesty of a love that breaks the mold. Roberto is a sixteen-year-old boy who began his career as a violinist at the age of […]