Etiqueta: Coming of age
Not All Kisses are the Same (No todos los besos son iguales)
I´m so fed up: so many men in the world and not one can wake me up? Once upon a time, there was not-so-traditional Sleeping Beauty. […]
Rasi the Squirrel and Her Gang Saga (Saga Rasi y la pandilla de la ardilla)
A collection of 22 children´s books Rasi, the children´s favorite squirrel. Rasi the squirrel lives at school. Her gang is made up of Nora, […]
The Cousins Inc. Saga (Saga Primos S.A.)
The Haunted House / Riddle on the Orange-Tree Bridge / The Monastery of Spirits / The Phantom Flock The best detective agency in the world […]
Me (Yo)
Being the oddball out is the most normal thing in the world. “I do not drink, I do not smoke, I don’t do drugs, I had […]
León Kamikaze (Kamikaze Lion)
We all carry demons inside us that need to be confronted. León is a rebellious teenager who, after having lost his parents, isn´t afraid of anything. […]
Saga President by Surprise (Saga Presidenta por sorpresa)
President by Surprise | Suddenly Disobedient She wanted to be class delegate but became president of the nation. Marta Chacras is 13 years old and […]
The Teenage Years (La edad de la Punzada)
The story of the worst student in school history. The Teenage Years follows Xavier during his adolescence. It starts when, at the age of 13, he […]
The School Mayhem Saga (Saga ¡Vaya Cole!)
Adrian creates a Big Bang | Bianca against the Barbarians (Adrián hace un Big Bang | Blanca contra los bárbaros) At the end of Turmoil […]
The Multicosmos Saga (Saga Multicosmos)
Pixelated virtual adventures | Trapped with no Wi-Fi | The drones rebellion| Mess in the time-space Have you ever been so hooked by a videogame that […]