Etiqueta: Customs
What the Light Touches (32 de marzo)
Like Water For Chocolate (Como agua para chocolate) (TV Series)
The Murder Series (Serie Esta oficina me mata)
The Perfect Mum (Mamá perfecta – original project)
The Garden of the Verelli Women (El jardín de las mujeres Verelli)
While you slept, you sang (Mientras dormías, cantabas)
Cannon Fodder (Carne de cañón)
Yoga and Coke (Yoga y coca)
A "good" girl to whom a new world opens. Blanca Potente, a young girl growing up with her grandmother in a conservative Mexican town, […]
The House of Bernarda Alba (La casa de Bernarda Alba) (Film)
8 years of mourning that explodes with the passion of two lovers. After her second husband’s death, matriarch Bernarda Alba imposes an eight-year rigorous and […]
The bewildered king’s chronicle (Crónica del rey pasmado)
At the beginning of the 17th century, the King of Spain –a young immature boy- wants to see his queen naked, even when the Church and […]