Etiqueta: Death
Saga Sunny Pascal
Bitter Drink | The Tequila Case | A Handful of Bullets (Trago amargo | El caso tequila | Por un puñado de balas) Movie Stars, […]
A Guy With a Bag Over His Head (Un tío con una bolsa en la cabeza)
A corrupt mayor close to death. The oxygen dwindles as the minutes pass. “I would have bet any of my deaths that the one […]
Saga Albert Zimmer
Albert Zimmer I: The Witch of Berchtesgaden | Albert Zimmer II: The Murderer of the Senses A funny and sinister young man solving murder cases committed […]
Saga Carmen Puerto
The Anonymous Lovers | The Language of the Tides (Los amantes anónimos | El lenguaje de las mareas) A brilliant and unusual inspector […]
The Magda Ventura Saga (Saga Magda Ventura)
The Coltan Conspiracy | The Conjuring of Herat | The Maltese Connection | Working title A fearless journalist who will risk her life and stop at […]
When it is Winter in the North Sea (Cuando es invierno en el mar del norte)
A corpse on the beach. A suspect from a family settled in a former insane asylum. Antonio Trigo's corpse appears on the beach of […]
Red and in a Bottle (Rojo y en botella)
An unlikely tandem made up of a human cop and a vampire cop hunt down a dangerous killer. Vampires and humans live in peaceful coexistence, […]
The Great Pirelli (El gran Pirelli)
The best way to hunt criminals is to be one of them. Lawyer Antonio Bódalo is found dead; the main suspect is the […]
With Pedigree Saga (Saga Con pedigree)
With Pedigree | Double-Edged Feathers | The Triads Mansion A thousand ways to experience relationships between women. A group of women meet in […]