Etiqueta: Dysfunctional family

  • When no one sees you (Cuando nadie te ve)

    The perfect life does not exist. Beatriz lives in Pinomar, an idyllic high-end urbanization where life passes calmly and without problems. Its inhabitants share a common … Read more

  • Those who whisper under the ground (Los que susurran bajo la tierra)

    When darkness lives inside you, the only escape is to give in to it. Chile, summer of 1979. Raimundo de la Cruz Leyton is eight years … Read more

  • Horchata Blood (Sangre de horchata)

    In the face of family drama, blood cold like horchata.   Belén Alba is sixteen years old and lives in a modernist palace in one of … Read more

  • Five wheat spikes (Cinco espigas)

    Nadie sospecha que las mejores panaderas del barrio son criminales.   La Tahona es la típica panadería hípster de moda. Se sitúa en una de las … Read more

  • La cosecha pálida

      Un misterio oculto bajo tierra.   Está amaneciendo, y una chica de 19 años camina por la carretera en dirección a Calixe, un pueblo en … Read more

  • Near You (Cerca de ti)

    Do you trust the person on the other side of the screen?   Since Lola reached adolescence, the only things she shares with her mother, Carla, … Read more

  • Getting to know each other again (Volver a conocernos)

    About what we gain while we’re losing it all.   Hugo, a seven-year-old boy, is going through the worst moment of his life: his parents —whose … Read more

  • A second before the fury (Un segundo antes de la furia)

    It’s whenever she wants it. No regrets, no barriers, no limits.   Martina has always been told how she should behave. She's 30 years old, has … Read more

  • Thermal Sensation (Sensación térmica) (Film)

    Some people fall into the trap with a smile on their faces.   Lucía is a young girl who takes advantage of a literature scholarship at CUNY … Read more

  • Don’t think about the pink elephant (No pienses en un elefante rosa)

      When planning leads to the unexpected.   Aurora is a woman in her early thirties, a civil servant at the city council, who has just … Read more

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