Etiqueta: Existential crisis
You Are Not Getting Married Today (Tú hoy no te casas)
Desde España hasta Costa Rica en busca de una segunda oportunidad. Tras horas de maquillaje y peinado, Coco está lista. Enfundada en su vestido de […]
What I know about us (Lo que sé de nosotros)
Politics is a dead end. There are only a few weeks left until the elections in the Basque Country take place. Arturo, the press officer […]
The unfaithful skin (La piel infiel)
Madame Bovary 2.0 Emma is just like many other 35-year-old women; she has a job that she doesn't particularly enjoy, but it lets her lead […]
SAGA In the end, monsters always win (Al final siempre ganan los monstruos)
The misfits, the weird ones, and the ones who went astray. This is the story of Juanillo, “The Cockroach”, Lolo, Jony, Vanessa, and a […]
Don’t think about the pink elephant (No pienses en un elefante rosa)
When planning leads to the unexpected. Aurora is a woman in her early thirties, a civil servant at the city council, who has just […]
Informe sobre ciegos
"¿Cuándo empezó esto que ahora va a terminar con mi asesinato?” Informe sobre ciegos da cuenta de la existencia de un antiguo complot milenario, regido desde […]
It’s Weird that My Name Is Federico (Qué raro que me llame Federico)
Two voices united in pain, those of a mother and her son. Belén is an editor in Madrid who dreams of being a mother but, […]
The Psychodrome (Psicódromo)
He lost everything he had, including his identity, only to find it again on the street. Eliseo Fainzilber is a retired psychoanalyst who becomes […]
I Stopped Uttering Your Name: The Forbidden Life of Carmen Díez de Rivera (Dejé de pronunciar tu nombre: La vida prohibida de Carmen Díez de Rivera)
The muse of the Spanish transition to democracy. The beautiful Carmen Díez de Rivera was a cultured and intelligent woman like few others. […]