Etiqueta: Family
Official love story (Historia oficial del amor)
Colombia, contada a través de una historia de amor familiar. Con este best-seller, Ricardo Silva Romero nos cuenta su historia familiar. Su destino, su karma y su […]
Brujas en el bosque
Un oscuro secreto oculto tras un pasado familiar. Dos jóvenes caminan por la costa del mar cuando, de repente, caen de rodillas al ver surgir de […]
Four Seasons of Love (Amor a cuatro estaciones)
¿Qué haces cuando lo que más te lastima, también te ayuda a vivir? Christopher es un chico que compagina su vida de estudiante de letras […]
Moss (Musgo) (Film)
Man’s best friend will be the last to lose hope. Moss is a dog who, not understanding why wars happen, has witnessed how his home […]
The orchard (La huerta)
True horror is not knowing who to trust. The architect Roberto Benavídez and his family move to “the Orchad”, a house in the countryside, in […]
SAGA In the end, monsters always win (Al final siempre ganan los monstruos)
The misfits, the weird ones, and the ones who went astray. This is the story of Juanillo, “The Cockroach”, Lolo, Jony, Vanessa, and a […]
Nanny Petrov – Original Project
If you want a good nanny, call the CIA. Lola García, a Spanish spy as beautiful as she is lethal, is sent to Mexico to […]
Honor: The other victims of the Marquises of Urquijo Murder Crime (Honor: Las otras víctimas del crimen de los marqueses de Urquijo)
The truth behind one of the most well-known crimes in Spain. On the night of August 1st, 1980, the marquises of Urquijo were shot while […]