Etiqueta: Family
The Look of Absence (La mirada de la ausencia)
What are you willing to do to accomplish your dream? It’s the end of the 19th Century in Bilbao. Ines is a young 20-year-old woman […]
I am Unavailable Tonight (Esta noche no estoy para nadie)
A whirlwind of laughter and misunderstandings. Soledad and Alma, mother and daughter, decide to move in together because of the economic hardship they are […]
Bad Romance
That feeling of knowing when something is so wrong, but it makes you feel so good. Mackenzie is a teenager who wants to get […]
Oldladyvoice (Vozdevieja)
A know-it-all girl with a whole world yet to discover. Marina is a nine-year-old girl from Seville who faces an excruciatingly warm Andalusian summer […]
When it is Winter in the North Sea (Cuando es invierno en el mar del norte)
A corpse on the beach. A suspect from a family settled in a former insane asylum. Antonio Trigo's corpse appears on the beach of […]
Love Three Delights (Amor tres delicias)
When two worlds (literally) collide. Nina Chou is a young woman of Chinese origin in Madrid. For some time now, Nina has been feeling […]
Saga Abril (Bilogía Abril)
Signed, Abril | Letters for Abril Young love is smooth sailing, said no one ever. Abril is an impulsive, daring, endearing, sporty and […]
Amelia and the Bees (Amelia y las abejas)
Two love stories, the one that is and the one that was, intertwined in a charming fable. Elena is a fifteen-year-old girl from the capital […]
The Eve of Almost Everything (La víspera de casi todo)
A Noir with soul. Paola is a mysterious woman who arrives on the Galician coastal town of Costa da Morte in a luxurious […]