Etiqueta: Family
The Fantasyburg Saga (Saga Bichos Raros)
The Mystery of the Fluorescent Unicorns | The Mystery of the Know-it-all Sphynx El enigma de los unicornios fluorescentes | El enigma de la esfinge sabelotodo […]
The Croocked Years (Los años sabandijas)
When embarrassment was never an issue and laws were not an obstacle. Ruby and Roxy, two swindlers without scruples, escape from the police after stealing two […]
The Multicosmos Saga (Saga Multicosmos)
Pixelated virtual adventures | Trapped with no Wi-Fi | The drones rebellion| Mess in the time-space Have you ever been so hooked by a videogame that […]
The War of the Witches Saga (Saga La Guerra de las Brujas)
The Clan of the She-Wolf | The Desert of Ice | Odi’s Curse The identity of the chosen one has been revealed. The most feared war […]
The Bakery of Wonders (El obrador de los prodigios)
A love letter to the legendary bakery and its city, Barcelona. Mateu Serra is a boy who decides to leave his hometown, Lérida, to go […]
Good Sisters (Buenas Hermanas)
The “perfect” March sisters hide a huge secret. Concord city is governed by an oppressive regime (much like in Orwell’s 1984). A society with […]
How to Succeed on the Internet in 7 Days (Cómo triunfar en internet en 7 días)
Can you imagine becoming the most famous youtuber by accident? David is a 13 years old boy. One day, he decides to compete with his sister […]
Saga The creator of games (Saga El inventor de juegos)
When life and games become intermixed. Iván Dragó, a seven-year-old boy, participates in a contest to create the best game of the world. Iván creates a […]