Etiqueta: Identity

  • Diversity is a strenght (La diversidad es una fortaleza)

  • Sira

  • Saga Liberated Women (Saga Mujeres Libres) (TV Series)

    Available on ATRESPlayer  Sluts | Baddies | Free Are you ready to join the Slut´s Club?   Alicia has decided to leave behind her mundane, humdrum … Read more

  • Cruel Sky (Cielo Cruel)

    Love is not the same as lust. Cruel Sky is a town in northern Mexico with a rich historical background. It served as a gateway to … Read more

  • Scrolling After Sex

    Hacerse adulto en el siglo XXI Scrolling After Sex es el retrato de la generación millenial. A través de mensajes de texto, notas del móvil o … Read more

  • The winter of the goldfinches (El invierno de los jilgueros)

    Todo está permitido en el arte y en el amor. La vida del pequeño Brahim transcurre en las calles de Alhucemas, en Marruecos, donde vive con … Read more

  • Horchata Blood (Sangre de horchata)

    In the face of family drama, blood cold like horchata.   Belén Alba is sixteen years old and lives in a modernist palace in one of … Read more

  • The Palace of Lourizán (El Pazo de Lourizán)

    Fear, threat, silence, and secrets become a lifestyle.   This is the story of a family, divided into three parts and set in the same majestic … Read more

  • Ulises 2300

    Does being good at something make you passionate about it?     In the 1980s, Salomón "Crazy Horse" Narváez, a university professor and a chess lover, … Read more

  • Death will have your eyes (La muerte tendrá tus ojos)

    An innocent job assignment that will put her life at risk.     Lía Llamas is a forty-year-old lawyer who works as a legal advisor for … Read more

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