Etiqueta: Identity

  • Im working on it saga (Saga Estoy en ello)

    I’m working on it | I’m still working on it | Players come and go, but sisters stay | I saw it first | Too handsome … Read more

  • The third mask (La tercera máscara)

    Could you show the world your most intimate mask?   A Japanese legend explains how we all have three masks: the one we show to the … Read more

  • The Woman with No Name (La mujer sin nombre)

      A writer silenced by History… until now.   Stage director Noelia Cid is a hardworking, disciplined, intuitive, and highly organized woman. When she is commissioned … Read more

  • Roses from Stalin (Las rosas de Stalin)

    My name is Svetlana Alliluyeva. I was born on February 28, 1926. My father died in 1953. His name was Joseph Stalin.  Stalin’s favorite, his only … Read more

  • Tostonazo

    The hidden creativity and joy of a provincial city.   The protagonist doesn’t have a name, he could be your friend, your cousin or even yourself, … Read more

  • It’s Weird that My Name Is Federico (Qué raro que me llame Federico)

    Two voices united in pain, those of a mother and her son.   Belén is an editor in Madrid who dreams of being a mother but, … Read more

  • The Savage Girls Saga (Saga Las niñas salvajes)

    The gruesome murder of a nun uncovers a dark network of child trafficking.      Jimena Cruz is a journalist from Granada who works for a … Read more

  • Love Three Delights (Amor tres delicias)

    When two worlds (literally) collide.     Nina Chou is a young woman of Chinese origin in Madrid. For some time now, Nina has been feeling … Read more

  • Single Broke Woman (Mujer sin blanca soltera busca)

    A millennial woman tries to navigate her midlife crisis without a steady job or partner.       Isa Pi is a young woman in the … Read more

  • Blessed Art Thou (Bendita tú eres)

    A nun expelled from the convent for being transgender.     Angela is a nun who has spent more than thirty years cloistered in a convent. … Read more

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