Etiqueta: Identity
Roses from Stalin (Las rosas de Stalin)
My name is Svetlana Alliluyeva. I was born on February 28, 1926. My father died in 1953. His name was Joseph Stalin. Stalin’s favorite, his only […]
The hidden creativity and joy of a provincial city. The protagonist doesn’t have a name, he could be your friend, your cousin or even yourself, […]
It’s Weird that My Name Is Federico (Qué raro que me llame Federico)
Two voices united in pain, those of a mother and her son. Belén is an editor in Madrid who dreams of being a mother but, […]
The Savage Girls Saga (Saga Las niñas salvajes)
The gruesome murder of a nun uncovers a dark network of child trafficking. Jimena Cruz is a journalist from Granada who works for a […]
Love Three Delights (Amor tres delicias)
When two worlds (literally) collide. Nina Chou is a young woman of Chinese origin in Madrid. For some time now, Nina has been feeling […]
Blessed Art Thou (Bendita tú eres)
A nun expelled from the convent for being transgender. Angela is a nun who has spent more than thirty years cloistered in a convent. […]
The Bone Thief (La ladrona de huesos) (TV Series / Film)
Impossible thefts, relics, and mysteries. Laura is a 41-year-old woman who, after being the victim of a brutal attack, loses her memory. Carlos, the man […]
The Desert and it’s Seed (El desierto y su semilla) (TV Series)
What does the skin hide? A cab ride to the hospital: Eligia's face is disintegrating from the acid thrown at her by her ex-husband while […]
The Baroness of Wilson (La Baronesa de Wilson) – Original project for TV Series
The story of a brilliant imposter. Emilia Serrano, a fake "baroness" by marriage and ahead of her time, was a powerful publishing and fashion businesswoman, […]