Etiqueta: Impossible love
It’s better in October (Mejor en octubre)
Carlos is an irresistible Don Juan, who has already reached maturity. He has just done his greatest feat: Taking a woman – Ana, his friend Alberto’s […]
Life on a thread (La vida en un hilo)
Mercedes has just become a widow after Ramón’s death, with who she had been very unhappy. One day on a train, she encounters a fortune-teller. She reminds […]
It’s forbidden in autumn (Prohibido en otoño)
This is a recreation of Pygmalion’s story. It is set in the 50’s but it could be set any time now. The main plot consists in […]
Lady and Mistress (Dueña y señora)
A convoluted love story Fernando is a young man from wealthy family origins who has fallen in love with Toña, the beautiful family’s housekeeper. Their passion […]
The mule driver’s song (El cantar del arriero)
Blas is the owner of an inn. He is very old and has a daughter, Mariblanca. He would like to see her getting married. Mariblanca has […]
Letter from an unknown woman (Carta de una desconocida)
Letter from an Unknown Woman follows the life of a woman without name, who is tormented by the existence of a famous pianist, with whom she […]
Beautiful Dorotea (La bella Dorotea)
Daughter of the village chief, Dorotea’s largest goal in life is getting married. However, all her attempts to get married get shut down by the neighbors’ […]
The decent woman (La decente)
Nuria and Roberto met in aircraft accident. Saved by the rescue forces, each one departs to their own destiny, but over time they meet again. In […]
The entertained (Las entretenidas)
A group of girls from a small town come to the city in order to work as prostitutes. At work, Fany meets Joseph and falls in love […]
You have the eyes of a femme fatale (Usted tiene ojos de mujer fatal)
Sergio is a ladies’ man that likes to collect female conquests and never falls in love. Elena is the first woman that rejects him. She is […]