Etiqueta: Inheritance
You have the eyes of a femme fatale (Usted tiene ojos de mujer fatal)
Sergio is a ladies’ man that likes to collect female conquests and never falls in love. Elena is the first woman that rejects him. She is […]
Four Hearts with Brakes and Reverse (Cuatro corazones con freno y marcha atrás)
Dying is not inevitable. Ricardo is a ruined man who, thanks to the voluminous inheritance of his recently deceased uncle, sees the opportunity […]
The handkerchief of the wandering lady (El pañuelo de la dama errante)
Benigno is a poor man that has hardly any money to eat. He lives humbly with his daughter, Lolita, and her boyfriend, Timoteo. Two strangers arrive […]
The lady of the house (Señora ama)
Dominica and Feliciano are a young married couple who lives in the countryside where his family owns almost all the land. Their everyday life is in […]