Etiqueta: Journey

  • Sexographies (Sexografías)

    There is no better way to know a society than observing their sexual habits. Gabriela Wiener is a journalist with no filter, sexually open and active, … Read more

  • Tinisima

    The great novel of Tina Modotti, the woman who broke all of the moulds of her time.   Tina Modotti is an icon of art and politics, … Read more

  • The Last Gift of Paulina Hoffmann (El último regalo de Paulina Hoffmann)

    Exile after war, and a love that hurts to death.   After finding out in her grandmother’s will that she has just inherited an apartment in … Read more

  • So Close to Life (Tan cerca de la vida)

    What makes a human different from a robot? Production? Thought? Love?   When Max, a computer expert, arrives in Tokyo, he has a strange feeling. Perhaps … Read more

  • Stillness (La quietud)

    The international adoption of a child by a broken marriage. Héctor, an architect and university professor in his 40s, is living with Ann, one of his … Read more

  • Martina de Santo Saga

    The Brothers of the Coast | The Obsidian Butterfly | Crimes at an Exhibition | An Irresistible Murderer | The Melancholy of the Bird Men | The Gold of the Jivaros | The Jerusalem Syndrome … Read more

  • The Grandmother Who Crossed the World in a Bicycle (La abuela que cruzó el mundo en una bicicleta)

    An inspiring story about the magic of little things.     With her indomitable personality, Doña Maru, a 90-year-old woman, lives a peaceful life in Oaxaca, … Read more

  • Saga Rexcatadores (Rexcuers Saga)

      Perhaps this one will be the best summer of his life…   Imagine that your parents send you to your grandparents’ for the holidays, to … Read more

  • El cocinero (The Cook) – An original TV series project

    The culinary genius who won your heart through the senses. Young Alvar’s surprising ability to memorize (due to his hypermnesia) contrasts with his naïve perception of … Read more

  • Gorgonzola

    An alien belonging to a fierce race of space invaders is captured by an 11-year-old boy who puts him in his mouse cage.   A tiny … Read more

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