Etiqueta: Justice
Hawks of the sea (Águila azul)
Un pirata sin igual. Todos saben que los piratas son criminales sin escrúpulos, vagabundos que venderían a su madre por un puñado de monedas de oro, […]
Five wheat spikes (Cinco espigas)
Nadie sospecha que las mejores panaderas del barrio son criminales. La Tahona es la típica panadería hípster de moda. Se sitúa en una de las […]
Seduce Me, Slowly (Sedúceme despacio)
A torrid romance that tastes like wine. Miranda Pemberton is an intelligent businesswoman. Since her father was murdered in cold blood on their doorstep, she has […]
The fighters (Las luchadoras) – Original project
Together, they’ll make justice, whatever it takes. Daniel Moreno, a young waiter from the Canary Islands, finishes his shift at a hotel in Fuerteventura and […]
The Arrow Collector Saga (Saga El coleccionista de flechas) (TV Series)
The Arrow Collector / The Glacier Crimes Doing the right thing isn’t always the easiest option. In The Arrow Collector, the peace of a remote […]
Death will have your eyes (La muerte tendrá tus ojos)
An innocent job assignment that will put her life at risk. Lía Llamas is a forty-year-old lawyer who works as a legal advisor for […]
Even the Darkest Night (Terra Alta) (TV Series)
He was a fair man; the world wasn’t though. A terrible crime has shaken up the peaceful region of Terra Alta: the owners of its […]
Tequila effect (Efecto tequila)
A former spy returns to save a country. Elvis Alezcano, known among his colleagues as "Hendrix's Guitar," is a former agent of the Federal Security […]
Czech Republic’s first superheroe. Myth or truth? Perak had springs on his legs with which he could even jump streets. With supernatural abilities he became […]
Banana Street
Heroine or assassin? Isabel Tierra Frias is a twenty-five-year-old Mexican woman who learned to survive with her family in the slums and to deal with […]