Etiqueta: Love triangle
Shiva’s Tears Saga (Saga Las lágrimas de Shiva)
Shiva’s Tears | The Scarlet Circle Crossed revenge, forbidden love, mysterious presences, strange disappearances… Summer 1969. Javier is an intelligent 15-year-old who is passionate about science fiction. Unfortunately, his father is […]
Don’t Invite Me to Your Wedding (No me invites a tu boda)
Invited to the love of his life's wedding. A young musician is on his way to a wedding… but it´s not just any wedding. He has […]
A Kiss in Your Future (Un beso en tu futuro)
Love will always be more complicated than it seems. Nancy is a freshman in highschool and puberty has hit her like a ton of […]
The Disorder of your Name (El desorden de tu nombre) (Film)
An impossible love story in the middle of feverish deliria, psychoanalysts and frustrated dreams. Julio Orgaz is a divorced man with the frustrated dream of becoming […]
The House of Bernarda Alba (La casa de Bernarda Alba) (Film)
8 years of mourning that explodes with the passion of two lovers. After her second husband’s death, matriarch Bernarda Alba imposes an eight-year rigorous and […]
A surrealist comedy about dignity. In a bucolic and parched town called Riocochino, devastated by the closure of the mine, a handful of souls survive under […]
All for the Homeland (Todo por la patria)
The disappearance of a soccer player who broke the country. Buenos Aires, 1933. Crisis peaks, hopelessness spread, soccer comes to the rescue. But the most expensive […]
The Middle of the Night (La mitad de la noche)
How could one kill their own son? August 1926. Magdalena Laparra is back from Cuba to spend her holidays with her family in Spain. One morning […]
The Tiger and the Duchess (El tigre y la duquesa)
A policewoman. A criminal. A twenty-million-euro booty. A moral dilemma. Inspector Elsa Giralt is going through a dark moment. She went from being the top in […]
The Non-Fiction Collection (Colección Sin Ficción)
29 Bullets and a Love Note | The Mice of God | Dismantling the Perfect Crime | Smell of Death in Pioz | The Hole […]