Etiqueta: Love
The Winter We Took Matters into our Hands (El invierno que tomamos cartas en el asunto)
A chain of solidarity that changed the life of a town. Winter arrives in Porvenir, a town surrounded by mountains that remained the same for many […]
The School Mayhem Saga (Saga ¡Vaya Cole!)
Adrian creates a Big Bang | Bianca against the Barbarians (Adrián hace un Big Bang | Blanca contra los bárbaros) At the end of Turmoil […]
The Heart and Seoul Saga (Saga De Seúl al Cielo)
Lights in the Sky (Luces en el cielo) | Heart and Seoul (De Seúl al cielo) The thread of destiny might be tangled, but never broken. […]
The Croocked Years (Los años sabandijas)
When embarrassment was never an issue and laws were not an obstacle. Ruby and Roxy, two swindlers without scruples, escape from the police after stealing two […]
Ways of living (Maneras de vivir)
The rise and fall of a rock star, and the wonderful second opportunities. This is the extraordinary story of a dysfunctional family who has to go […]
The Bakery of Wonders (El obrador de los prodigios)
A love letter to the legendary bakery and its city, Barcelona. Mateu Serra is a boy who decides to leave his hometown, Lérida, to go […]
Good Sisters (Buenas Hermanas)
The “perfect” March sisters hide a huge secret. Concord city is governed by an oppressive regime (much like in Orwell’s 1984). A society with […]