Etiqueta: Love
Maribel and the strange family (Maribel y la extraña familia)
Maribel is a prostitute who meets Marcelino, a young naive man who is looking for a girl to marry so he can overcome a tragic event […]
Neither poor nor rich, but quite the opposite (Ni pobre ni rico, sino todo lo contrario)
Abelardo is a millionaire who is ready to lose all his money in order to gain the attention of his beloved Margarita. The young woman of […]
Ninette (Ninette: modas de Paris, un señor de Murcia y en casa de los López)
Ninette Sánchez, daughter of Spanish migrants in France, is an intelligent, sexy and funny Parisian girl that works in Lafayette. With her spontaneity and beauty, Andres, […]
Only love and the moon bring fortune (Sólo el amor y la luna traen fortuna)
A famous pianist, who is a recalcitrant bachelor, tries to flee from what seems to be an inexorable destiny: marrying someone. Then, he meets a young […]
The seducer (El seductor)
Domingo sees Ana on the street and follows her home. As they talk, the tension builds up as if they were about to reach a conclusion […]
The three in a dim light (A media luz los tres)
Alfredo, an administrative worker bachelor, has few objectives in life; one of them is conquering a woman, no matter who. Therefore, the protagonist will attempt conquering […]
The case of the murdered woman (El caso de la mujer asesinadita)
Mercedes is a wealthy woman who shares her boring life with her husband Lorenzo and the servants Teresa, Rosaura and Renato, in a villa on the […]
Wait for me in Siberia, Darling! (¡Espérame en Siberia, vida mía!)
Lovesick or misdiagnosis? Mario Esfarcies, a wealthy young man, is diagnosed with cancer. Fearing that he would die in the throes of the disease, […]
Were there really eleven thousand virgins once? (Pero… ¿hubo alguna vez once mil vírgenes?)
Pedro, a young wealthy man, dives into the world of seduction like a modern Don Juan. At the speed of light, he conquers an uncountable number […]
Thieves are honorable people (Los ladrones somos gente honrada)
The play unfolds around a white-collar robbery in the bourgeois home of recently married Daniel and Herminia. Daniel is a former thief who fell in love […]