Etiqueta: Love
Masters and dungeons serie (Serie Amos y Mazmorras)
The unworthy ones (Las indignas)
The Cook of Castamar (La cocinera de Castamar) (TV Series)
Available on Netflix She forges her way to the heart of the duke himself. Spain, 1720. Clara Belmonte is a young woman from a well-off […]
The Vineyard (TV Series)
Available on Amazon Prime Video Only great stories inspire great emotions. Nothing made Mauro Larrea think that the fortune he had made in New Mexico after […]
Sand Promises (Promesas de arena) (TV Series)
Available on TVE A la carta Lucía just finished her degree and travels to Palestine as a cooperator in a NGO. She is filled with excitement […]
The Idhun Chronicles (TV Series)
Available on Netflix The Resistance | Triad | Pantheon On the day that Ashran the Necromancer caused the conjunction of the three suns and the three […]
The dagger of jealousy (El puñal de los celos)
The Photographer’s Daughter (La hija del fotógrafo)