Etiqueta: Music
The Desperate (Los Desesperados)
“Rock and roll bands are over”, they said. Los Desesperados is a Mexican independent rock back who fight endlessly to reach people with their music, […]
Fucking special (Jodidamente especial)
What do you do when you meet someone so fucking special? Amat seems to have everything under control. He has an enviable job, his girlfriend […]
The House of the Harp (La casa del arpa)
Death has 47 tones. The Rico family moves from Madrid to Mingorría, a one-horse town. Mía, the oldest sister, thinks that she will be able to […]
Arsenio Rodriguez Trilogy (La Trilogía de Arsenio Rodriguez)
LA TRILOGÍA DE ARSENIO RODRÍGUEZ Jairo Grijalba Ruiz Esta trilogía (Arsenio Rodríguez: el profeta de la música, Arsenio Rodríguez: el ciego maravilloso, y Arsenio Rodríguez […]
The Slow Murderers (Los asesinos lentos)
Valle and Cáceres formed part in the nineties, of a group of pop rock; Rehearsed together, played together, got drunk together. They had not seen each […]
Imperfect Future (Futuro Imperfecto) – Original Project
"Imperfect Future" is a program of comic sketches, with fixed sets, that narrates the situations that the workers live in a TV program of based on […]
Heresy of an Impious Muse (Herejía de una musa impía)
This story is about the exciting life of a muse – a regular woman in appearance. She was born in Greece centuries ago, and now she […]
The Pons Quartet (El cuarteto Pons)
During a concert, the public heckles the musicians of a quartet whose future looks pitch black. However, one of them, the violinist, receives a letter from […]
Turmoil (Desconcierto)
Alejandro is an orchestra conductor who lives exclusively for music and women. He lives with Lucía, who quit her career as an opera singer to become […]