Etiqueta: Music

  • Violins and trumpets (Violines y trompetas)

    This play, very important during the Spanish Transition, tells the life, day by day, of three chamber musicians who have not only the same profession but […]

  • Silence in black (Silencio de negra)

    The action takes place in France, during the years of the World War II onwards until 1943, and from 1946 to 1947, two historical moments that will gradually […]

  • Unfinished symphony (Sinfonía inacabada)

    In Vienna, 1814, the young composer Franz Schubert, on the verge of misery, manages to survive thanks to the help of his friends. With emotion, his first […]

  • Letter from an unknown woman (Carta de una desconocida)

    Letter from an Unknown Woman follows the life of a woman without name, who is tormented by the existence of a famous pianist, with whom she […]

  • Only love and the moon bring fortune (Sólo el amor y la luna traen fortuna)

    A famous pianist, who is a recalcitrant bachelor, tries to flee from what seems to be an inexorable destiny: marrying someone. Then, he meets a young […]

  • Rummy (La canasta)

    Laura is a singer who has been living happily with Ramón for fifteen years. After deciding to step into marriage, things start to change. She quits […]

  • A Cat With Nine Lives (Las siete vidas del gato)

    A woman investigates the murder attempt on a young woman recently married to a man whose family appears to be cursed, since up to seven* women […]

  • A decent adultery (Un adulterio decente)

    According to a recent research, Dr. Cumberry discovers adultercocum, the bacteria responsible for infidelity. To fight it, he founds a clinic by parading the cuckolded husband, […]

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