Etiqueta: Overcoming
The unfaithful skin (La piel infiel)
Madame Bovary 2.0 Emma is just like many other 35-year-old women; she has a job that she doesn't particularly enjoy, but it lets her lead […]
The winter of the goldfinches (El invierno de los jilgueros)
Todo está permitido en el arte y en el amor. La vida del pequeño Brahim transcurre en las calles de Alhucemas, en Marruecos, donde vive con […]
Tormented Duology (Bilogía Atormentados)
Belleza atormentada | Atormentado deseo Enamorarse no era parte del plan. La Bilogía Atormentados cuenta la historia de los hermanos Andrea y Cristóbal de la Garza, […]
Five wheat spikes (Cinco espigas)
Nadie sospecha que las mejores panaderas del barrio son criminales. La Tahona es la típica panadería hípster de moda. Se sitúa en una de las […]
Four Seasons of Love (Amor a cuatro estaciones)
¿Qué haces cuando lo que más te lastima, también te ayuda a vivir? Christopher es un chico que compagina su vida de estudiante de letras […]
Getting to know each other again (Volver a conocernos)
About what we gain while we’re losing it all. Hugo, a seven-year-old boy, is going through the worst moment of his life: his parents —whose […]
A bunch of friends and a couple of cherries (Un puñado de amigos y dos cerezas)
A weekend full of surprises which will change everyone’s life. Cristina has two recurring nightmares: in one of them, the protagonist is her high school […]
Ophelia and the glass dream (Ophelia y el sueño de cristal)
An intimate portrait about the different forms of love. Helena has an uncommon hobby: defying gravity and mastering heights. Ever since she became aware that […]
A second before the fury (Un segundo antes de la furia)
It’s whenever she wants it. No regrets, no barriers, no limits. Martina has always been told how she should behave. She's 30 years old, has […]