Etiqueta: Policy

  • Having to leave you (La partida)

    The play dramatizes two epic moments in the history of the city of Alicante: one during the 19th century (after the victory of Ferdinand VII’s absolutism … Read more

  • Silence in black (Silencio de negra)

    The action takes place in France, during the years of the World War II onwards until 1943, and from 1946 to 1947, two historical moments that will gradually … Read more

  • You will die from something else (Morirás de otra cosa)

    The story is set in Madrid but it could be any other city. It is a fragmented story in which different characters take part. The city … Read more

  • Adventure in the grey (Aventura en lo gris)

    After the war, a group of political refugees (Goldmann, Silvano, Ana, Isabel, Carlos, a peasant…) escapes from an imaginary country called Surelia. While staying in a … Read more

  • Sancho Panza in the island (Sancho Panza en la ínsula de Barataria)

    Sancho Panza in the island is the theatrical adaptation Alejandro Casona made of chapter 51 of the second part of Don Quixote, written by Cervantes. In it, … Read more

  • Doctor Moraleda’s Murder (El asesinato del doctor Moraleda)

    This play is set in the colonial era. In 1890, the Portuguese militarily advance on Angola and Mozambique with the excuse of the death of Dr. … Read more

  • Sea horses (Caballos de Mar)

    The memories of more than thirty years come through Ignasi Delamo’s mind, Colonel of the Republican Army’s Medical Department, before drawing his last breath after being wounded. They are different … Read more

  • The buzzing of the bees (El zumbido de las abejas)

    The story happens from March 1868 to February 1875. Tomás comes back to take over the family business of votive offerings and candle making after studying … Read more

  • The Wrath of the Gods (La cólera de los dioses)

    This play goes back in time to the generation born from the Restoration of the monarchy in Spain in 1874 (related to the historical moment from … Read more

  • Gala party (Función de Gala)

    In the Valençuela Republic, Felix, a cabaret waiter, wants to seduce a singer, Victoria. The two of them get involved in the process of a coup d’état. … Read more

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