Etiqueta: Real facts

  • Tinisima

    The great novel of Tina Modotti, the woman who broke all of the moulds of her time.   Tina Modotti is an icon of art and politics, … Read more

  • The Children of Morelia (Los niños de Morelia) – TV Series Original Project

      During the Spanish Civil War, the government of the Republic accepted the offer of the Mexican authorities to take in a big number of children … Read more

  • You Know Nothing About Me (No sabes nada de mí)

    Who are the Spanish female spies?   Their identities were never revealed, but their work was key to solving some of the juiciest and darkest cases … Read more

  • Cacereño

    A stubborn immigrant from southern Spain unexpectedly finds in the Basque Country of the 70s a place to build a future.     After the first … Read more

  • The defenses (Las defensas)

    One case in three billion.   One case in three billion. A novel based in the incredible true story of a doctor who suffered from the … Read more

  • American Delirium (América alucinada)

      The destruction of utopia.   In a small Midwestern city, the deer population starts attacking people. So Beryl, a feisty senior and ex-hippie with a … Read more

  • Black King (Rey Negro)

    The indigent king. Rey negro (Black King) is based on a true story that took place in 1995: the exile of King Kigali V of Rwanda … Read more

  • Women (Mujeres)

    The rebellious Mexican women who changed the curse of History. In the 1970s, in front of the Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City, an old … Read more

  • The Ones in Saint Patrick’s Batallion (Los del San Patricio)

    The story of the men whose morality made them move to the opponent side. The real story of John Riley and his colleagues, the irishmen who … Read more

  • Desert Blood (Sangre en el desierto)

    There are dead girls who do not make any noise… Ivon Villa is a lesbian professor living in Los Angeles who returns home to El Paso … Read more

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