Etiqueta: Revenge
The Magda Ventura Saga (Saga Magda Ventura)
The Coltan Conspiracy | The Conjuring of Herat | The Maltese Connection | Working title A fearless journalist who will risk her life and stop at […]
Bad Romance
That feeling of knowing when something is so wrong, but it makes you feel so good. Mackenzie is a teenager who wants to get […]
The Eve of Almost Everything (La víspera de casi todo)
A Noir with soul. Paola is a mysterious woman who arrives on the Galician coastal town of Costa da Morte in a luxurious […]
The Prison (La cárcel)
Fourteen contestants, two murders, one reality show. One of the contestants of the reality show "The Prison" turns up dead in her cell. In the […]
Banana Street
Heroine or assassin? Isabel Tierra Frias is a twenty-five-year-old Mexican woman who learned to survive with her family in the slums and to deal with […]
Super Fucked (Jodidísimas) (TV Series)
An original 8-episode audioseries/podcast published by Audible They are willing to do even the most fucked up thing to get back what was once theirs. […]
An original 13-episode Podcast-Audioseries published by Storytel Tricia was found dead and needs help to take revenge. Tricia Betancor was only 22 years old […]
Little Indiscretions (Pequeñas infamias)
There are secrets that are way too difficult to bury. The bakery of the most important pastry chef of the 'rich and famous' […]