Etiqueta: Rural

  • Village Schoolteacher Saga (Saga Maestra de pueblo)

    L for Beginner | Civil Status: Opponent | Clean Slate   No matter how much experience you have, a teacher never stops learning.     In … Read more

  • Fleeing From Addiction (Huyendo del vicio)

    Fleeing the city to escape bad habits… to arrive in a village and find yourself in the greatest temptation.     Maria is a 23-year-old girl … Read more

  • Roads to Freedom (Caminos de libertad)

    Un verano en el Pirineo, un amor no correspondido y un misterio sin resolver.       Alexia, a 17-year-old girl, is about to go camping … Read more

  • Amelia and the Bees (Amelia y las abejas)

    Two love stories, the one that is and the one that was, intertwined in a charming fable.   Elena is a fifteen-year-old girl from the capital … Read more

  • The Release (La suelta)

    An Original 6-episode Podcast/Audioseries published by Storytel A bone-chilling tradition. Two children missing in the forest. A dead body.    Claudia, a journalist in her thirties, returns … Read more

  • Sludge (Lodo)

    The enigma surrounding a mysterious death.   Following rowdy college years in Barcelona, Endika, a 22-year-old young man, travels back to his small hometown in Navarre … Read more

  • The Tame Flies (Las moscas mansas)

    An original 8-episode Podcast-Audioseries published by Storytel   Intimacy and terror at its best.   In the late 1980s, a same-sex family, consisting of two women … Read more

  • Yoga and Coke (Yoga y coca)

    A "good" girl to whom a new world opens.     Blanca Potente, a young girl growing up with her grandmother in a conservative Mexican town, … Read more

  • He’s Watching You (Os vigila)

    The killer waits patiently for his chance.   A year after the accident that killed her husband Guillermo, Olivia returns to the house they were renovating … Read more

  • Every Summer in the World (Todos los veranos del mundo)

    The rekindling of a summer love.     Freshly fired from a law firm in Barcelona where she had been working for many years, Helena sets … Read more

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