Etiqueta: Rural
The mule driver’s song (El cantar del arriero)
Blas is the owner of an inn. He is very old and has a daughter, Mariblanca. He would like to see her getting married. Mariblanca has […]
The awaited sign (La señal que se espera)
In a rural house, Enrique and his wife, Susana, spend the summer. On this occasion, accompanied by two interesting guests: Luis, an old boyfriend of Susana, […]
Sancho Panza in the island (Sancho Panza en la ínsula de Barataria)
Sancho Panza in the island is the theatrical adaptation Alejandro Casona made of chapter 51 of the second part of Don Quixote, written by Cervantes. In it, […]
The Lady of Dawn (La Dama del Alba)
Set in a rural area, it tells the story of a family in grieve due to the death of Angelica, one of the daughters. The mother […]
The third word (La tercera palabra)
Pablo is a teenager who has always lived in the mountains away from civilization. After his father’s death, he moves in with his aunts and cousins. […]
The House with Seven Balconies (La casa de los siete balcones)
An ode to hope, love, innocence and illusion. The house with seven balconies is a mansion in a small countryside town where the inhabitants go to mass […]
Three top hats (Tres sombreros de copa)
The action takes place in an outskirts hotel, during the night spent there by Dionisio, the main character. He is there waiting: he gets married the next […]
Beautiful Dorotea (La bella Dorotea)
Daughter of the village chief, Dorotea’s largest goal in life is getting married. However, all her attempts to get married get shut down by the neighbors’ […]
Ninette (Ninette: modas de Paris, un señor de Murcia y en casa de los López)
Ninette Sánchez, daughter of Spanish migrants in France, is an intelligent, sexy and funny Parisian girl that works in Lafayette. With her spontaneity and beauty, Andres, […]
The lady of the house (Señora ama)
Dominica and Feliciano are a young married couple who lives in the countryside where his family owns almost all the land. Their everyday life is in […]