Etiqueta: Scam
The Author of “Las Meninas” (La autora de las Meninas)
Revolution is pounding at the gates! There is no money for pensions, expired food is sold in the supermarkets, free medical assistance is over, and even […]
Pakita: Stimulating, bitter and necessary (Sólo para Paquita)
Pakita is the play´s main character. She is abandoned by her husband. The woman suffers this separation since she is madly in love with the man. […]
Matryoshka Dolls at Puerto Banús (Las Matrioskas de Puerto Banús)
The story of five actresses that got kidnapped by a Slav mafia in a mansion in Marbella, on the Andalusian coast. The protagonists are in a […]
How far are you able to get by the work of your dreams? Squash is the fight for a job. Two women take part in the […]
The Vanishing of Mona Lisa (Valfierno) (TV Series)
Based on the true story of the man who confesses to have stolen the Mona Lisa Paris, 1911, Belle Époque. The Mona Lisa, perhaps the most […]
My husband is coming (Que viene mi marido)
Carita rejects all the marriage candidates her godfather, a rich man, offers her because she already has a boyfriend. Filled with resentment, he modifies his will […]
Such a nice man (Qué hombre tan simpático)
This story is about Paco, a young man who plays with the love of two young women, Fanny and Conchita. One day, Paco receives a telegram […]
Dad (Mi papá)
An impetuous young man that loves to have fun decides to get married with the woman he loves. But the young girl’s family demands the presence […]
Don Juan’s insanity (La locura de Don Juan)
Don Juan's insanity is the story of a man, head of a family, who decides to pretend insanity in order to put a stop to his family’s […]