Etiqueta: Showbiz
The hidden creativity and joy of a provincial city. The protagonist doesn’t have a name, he could be your friend, your cousin or even yourself, […]
The Adventures of Joselito: The Little Nightingale (Las aventuras de Joselito: El pequeño ruiseñor)
The most important child star of Spanish music and cinema. José Jiménez Fernández, known to the public as Joselito or “The boy with the […]
Saga Sunny Pascal
Bitter Drink | The Tequila Case | A Handful of Bullets (Trago amargo | El caso tequila | Por un puñado de balas) Movie Stars, […]
The Little Orphans (Los huerfanitos)
Three brothers who hate each other and an inheritance at stake. Ausias Susmozas is the owner and patriarch of the Pigalle, a theater […]
The Delegation (La delegación) – Original Project for TV Series
The #Eurodrama made into a series. After years of constant dramas at the ever so popular competition show Eurovision, Lourdes García is elected […]
The Prison (La cárcel)
Fourteen contestants, two murders, one reality show. One of the contestants of the reality show "The Prison" turns up dead in her cell. In the […]
Sinister (Siniestro)
An Original 10-episode Podcast/Audioseries published by Storytel The rubble of a cursed building. This Friday, a cursed building in an emblematic place in Valencia is […]
Sara Montiel
The diva from Spanish La Mancha who conquered Hollywood and the Americas. Sara Montiel was one of the great divas of cinema and music, […]
Carmen of Mairena (Carmen de Mairena)
An original 6-episode Podcast-Audioseries published by Storytel The story of Spain’s most famous lips. This is the story of a woman who wanted to be […]
Carmen Sevilla
The most endearing and popular star in Spain. Carmen Sevilla, "the bride of Spain", is one of the great Spanish film, television and music legends […]