Etiqueta: Toxic relationship
Anna and Vera Series
Electric Shamans at the Sun Festival (Chamanes eléctricos en la fiesta del sol)
600 Nights Later: Crime, Mystery and Romance (600 noches después: crimen, misterio y romance)
The bad wife (La mala esposa)
Loving Pablo, Hating Escobar (Amando a Pablo, odiando a Escobar)
The empty beach (La playa vacía)
The Photographer’s Daughter (La hija del fotógrafo)
Thermal Sensation (Sensación térmica) (Film)
Some people fall into the trap with a smile on their faces. Lucía is a young girl who takes advantage of a literature scholarship at CUNY […]
Cockfight (Pelea de gallos) (TV series)
Life in its rawest form. The stories that make up the book Cockfight are narrated by different voices within “the home”, the space that builds […]
Thinks you wrote on fire (Cosas que escribiste sobre el fuego)
Some people aren’t meant to stay, they are meant to teach you something. When María Gaudet starts high school, everyone knows her name. Her family […]