Etiqueta: USA
The Lincoln Battalion (El batallón de las Lincoln)
Mateo Trilogy (Trilogía Mateo)
Open Veins of Latin America (Las venas abiertas de América Latina)
I crossed the border in high heels (Crucé la frontera en tacones)
Nirvana Hotel
Nation of the beasts (La nación de las bestias)
The lord of Sabbath / Legend of Fire and Lead / A Second Love God created a marvelous creature. Then, He divided it into two. […]
Love in Vein (Amor en vena)
Un amor grabado con tinta sobre la piel. Loreto Neri es una joven de diecisiete años, rebelde, de apariencia gótica y muy directa. Su padre […]
Frustration (from the book “The creation of the sun and the moon”)
Happy ever after exists in a lie Mercedes is a 22-year-old Mexican woman living in Texas, where she works as a waitress and is engaged […]
Janis Joplin’s lover (El amante de Janis Joplin)
The Mexican Forrest Gump. David Valenzuela is known as the “town idiot”, and at 20 years old he has missed out on the normal experiences for […]
For as Long as We Could (Film)
An unconventional love story. Eve Friedman is an eighty-three-year-old playwright living alone in a chaotic apartment in the heart of Manhattan. The chicken tenders, the […]