Etiqueta: Violence
The Desert and it’s Seed (El desierto y su semilla) (TV Series)
What does the skin hide? A cab ride to the hospital: Eligia's face is disintegrating from the acid thrown at her by her ex-husband while […]
The School of the Americas (La escuela de las Américas) (TV Series)
The facility that produced murderers. The School of the Americas (SOA) is the U.S. Army's training center founded in 1946. Hidden in plain sight in […]
Sludge (Lodo)
The enigma surrounding a mysterious death. Following rowdy college years in Barcelona, Endika, a 22-year-old young man, travels back to his small hometown in Navarre […]
The Remil Saga (Saga del Inspector Remil) (TV Series)
The Dagger | The Wound | The Betrayal An infamous 21st century hero. They call him Remil for having been a "real son of a […]
In Her Blood (En la sangre)
Champagne and crime. Eva Valverde lives in Barcelona, has two degrees and wears Prada. Years ago, she stole her first laptop from a table in […]
Jawbone (Mandíbula) (Serie TV)
La perversión adolescente. Esta historia gira alrededor de un brutal secreto: por qué la profesora de lengua y literatura ha secuestrado a una de […]
The Millionaires of War (Los millonarios de la guerra)
To make millions you don't need to win the war. December of 2006, former Mexican President Felipe Calderon declared the war on drugs, an era […]
Leopard in the Sun (Leopardo al sol) (TV Series)
Blood is paid with blood. Two families, the Barragán's and Monsalve's, are engaged in a bloody war. It all started when Nando Barragán murdered […]
Cherubs in Hell (Querubines en el infierno)
The harrowing story of Mexicans who fought for the U.S. in World War II. Cannon fodder: that is what the Mexican migrants who enlisted […]