Etiqueta: War
The Correspondant (El corresponsal)
He will put his life at risk for the love of the truth. Miguel Bravo is a young journalist who has always wanted to […]
The School of the Americas (La escuela de las Américas) (TV Series)
The facility that produced murderers. The School of the Americas (SOA) is the U.S. Army's training center founded in 1946. Hidden in plain sight in […]
Accidental Spy (Espía accidental)
“The truth has many faces.” Asis, a young man of Spanish origin, is offered the chance to return to Damascus, his hometown, in […]
Killing Plato (El asesinato de Platón)
The struggle for democracy and equality clashes with the ambition of the tyrant. Athens, 4th century B.C. Altea, daughter of Perseus and one of Plato's […]
Leopard in the Sun (Leopardo al sol) (TV Series)
Blood is paid with blood. Two families, the Barragán's and Monsalve's, are engaged in a bloody war. It all started when Nando Barragán murdered […]
The Lovers Under the Danube (Los amantes bajo el Banubio)
Is there any motive more powerful than love or hate? Budapest, 1944. The war and the Nazi occupation has brought absolute and utter chaos […]
The Spring of Evil (La primavera del mal) (TV Series)
Crime has no limits nor frontiers. Early 20th century. The Chinese have control of the drug cartel over the border of Mexico and the United […]
The War of the Witches Saga (Saga La Guerra de las Brujas)
The Clan of the She-Wolf | The Desert of Ice | Odi’s Curse The identity of the chosen one has been revealed. The most feared war […]
Those blue days (TV Serie)
In love, madness is the sane thing. The great love story of Antonio Machado. Nieves Herrero reveals for the first time the true story of the […]
The dressmaker’s son (El hijo de la costurera)
The story of the one and only “couturier”: Balenciaga. . Balenciaga grew up in the Basque Country, at the beginning of 20th century. He was very […]