Antonio Buero Vallejo

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of Antonio Buero Vallejo.

Antonio Buero Vallejo (Guadalajara, 1916) is considered, along with García Lorca and Valle-Inclán, one of the milestones in Spanish dramatic literature. From 1949, when he became famous for Story of a stairway, till 1999, when he wrote his last play, Buero Vallejo’s theatre productions have been premiered non-stop, with such a social and aesthetic impact that he’s considered the most important Spanish playwright in the second half of the XXth century.



Among the many distinctions received every year, the continuous revivals of his plays, and different tributes, stand out: his designation as Honorary President of the Dramatic Authors’ Society, the Gold Medal for Merit in Fine Arts and the Valle-Inclán Medal of the Writers and Artists Society. He was member of the Royal Spanish Academy since 1972.

He’s the only playwright awarded with the Miguel de Cervantes Prize (1986) and the only one to receive the National Prize for Spanish Letters (1996). Moreover he’s been awarded the National Theatre Prize four times. It should be noted, as well, that he won the Honorary Max Theatre Award (1999), and the Lope de Vega Prize (1949).