Carlos Arniches

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of Carlos Arniches.

Carlos Arniches (Alicante, 1986) is one of the most outstanding playwrights of the Spanish XXth century’s first year’s theatre. His broad production as a writer includes farces, grotesque tragedies, comedies and zarzuelas, mostly envolving Madrid and its authenticity. He contributed to renew humor and he’s one of the most relevant authors of his time.



Nowadays there’s in Spain the prestigious theatre prized named after him (the Carlos Arniches theatre award), awarded every two years, to authors such as Alfonso Paso and José Sanchís Sinisterra.

Carlos Arniches received many decorations and was highly considered at his time. All his productions received great popular and critical acclaim. He’s called “the humor genius” of the Spanish language. He created the ‘grotesque tragedy’, genre that exposes this universal and human type of humor.