Christian Escribà y Sílvia Tarragó

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of Sandra Bruna Literary Agency.

Christian Escribà is the fourth generation of pastry chefs and he is considered “The chocolate magician”. He is the heir to a line of magnificent pastry chefs that started in 1906 in Gran Via in Barcelona, where they currently keep their centenary bakery.

He started very young, learning from his father until he decided to go to Paris to learn from his grandfather, Etienne Tholoniat, worldwide recognized for his work with sugar and caramel.

Back in Barcelona, he taught pastry for professionals and, later on, opened the second bakery in the Rambla of Barcelona. He has been in the best national and international gastronomy competitions and has been president and member of the jury several times in the final of the World Chocolate Masters. 

Silvia Tarragó is a Spanish writer and bookseller. She has published novels for adults and young adults, poetry and short stories. In his work, the history of Barcelona is very present.



Christian Escribà has several Medals and International pastry chef Awards in France and Spain, as Two Gold Medals in National Pastry Chef Competitions in Valencia and Madrid.

He has toured in several countries showing his products for over 30 years and has been named as the Best Pastry Chef of Spain by the Spanish Academy of Gastronomy. He has worked for Pope John Paul II, for the Spanish royal family, for legendary rock stars or football stars.

He has been praised by and has worked with Ferran Adrià, considered the best chef in the world.