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David Fernández is a Spanish journalist who has dedicated his professional career to investigative journalism. He is also a member of the Spanish Association of Investigative Journalists, and has worked for various newspapers like 20 Minutos and El Confidencial. Besides that, he has collaborated with media like Tiempo, Interviú, Mongolia, Vozpopuli and El Plural. Currently, he is one of the most outstanding voices of Infobae.
In his book King Corp, co-written with José María Olmo, David Fernández uncovers assets, partners and many other details of the immense economic structure behind King Juan Carlos I that remained hidden until now.
They had exclusive access to bank documents, e-mails and photographs, testimonies from people close to the King Emeritus: that is bankers, businessmen, employees of the Zarzuela Palace, military personnel, members of the secret services, close friends and even former lovers.