David Fernández Sifres

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of SM Publishing House.

David Fernández Sifres is a Spanish writer with a degree in Law and is a Traffic Technician official. Sifres juggles his writing profession with his work in the media and other jobs. He started out his writing career writing short stories, many of which have received awards. He has published more than a dozen stories and novels, and has truly become a referenced author in the children and young adult literature in Spain. He creates imaginary and out-of-this-world stories, but still manages to keep them credible. He is also an outstanding author in short stories and poetry.



Fernández Sifres has almost 20 literature awards, some of which include: the El Barco de Vapor de Literatura Infantil Award, was a finalist for the Hache de Literatura Juvenil Award, the Alandar de Literatura Juvenil Award, the Ala Delta de Literatura Infantil Award, the CCEI Award, and the Fundación Cuatrogatos Award. 
