Juan Gabriel Vásquez

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of Casanovas & Lynch literary agency.

Juan Gabriel Vásquez is a Colombian writer, translator and journalist, considered as one of the most important novelists of his generation.

He studied Law at the University of Rosario in Bogotá and he did a Master’s degree in Latin American Literature at the University of Sorbonne in Paris. Soon after, he started participating in short story contests for new writers.  He was a finalist of the Concurso Nacional de Cuento Universidad Externado de Colombia and of the Concurso Nacional de Cuento Germán Vargas. He was also a finalist of the Concurso Internacional de Novela Corta Ciudad de Barbastro, with the work that would become his first published novel, and he won the Concurso Nacional Metropolitano de Cuento en Barranquilla. 



Vásquez’s talent has been recognized with several international awards like the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize, the Qwerty Award, the Fundación Libros & Letras Award, the Nacional de Periodismo Simón Bolívar Award, the Alfaguara de Novela Award, the Roger Caillois Award, the Gregor von Rezzori Award, the Literario Internacional IMPAC de Dublín Award, the Literario San Clemente Award, the Real Academia Española Award, the Prix Carbet des Lycéens and the Cruz Oficial de la Orden de Isabel la Católica. He has been appointed as Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in France.