Juan José Rodríguez

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

Juan José Rodríguez studied Communication Studies at the Autonomous University of Sinaloa, Mexico, where he currently works as a promoter of culture.

Rodríguez also writes articles for several Mexican magazines. Beyond that, he has written very successful novels, such as Lady Metralla (Lady Shrapnel), Asesinato en una lavandería china (Murder at a Chinese Laundry Room) and Mi nombre es Casablanca (My Name Is Casablanca). 


Rodríguez has been awarded with several prizes, such as the Gilberto Owen National Prize or the Mazatlán in Literature thanks to Mi nombre es Casablanca.

Furthermore, filmmaker Eduardo Rossoff based his film Sangre de familia (Blood of family) on Asesinato en una lavandería china.

Other awards he has obtained are the Ignacio Manuel Altamirano Poetry National Prize and the State Prize for his chronicles.