Manuel Ramos

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of Arte Público Press.

Manuel Ramos was born in Colorado, USA. He is a retired attorney and a writer. He has also been a professor of Chicano literatura at Metropolitan State University of Denver.

He is a co-founder and regular contributor of the awarded online magazine La Bloga, in which he writes about Latino literature, culture, news and opinion.

For his professional and community services, he received the Colorado Bar Association’s Jacob V. Schaetzel Award, the Colorado Hispanic Bar Association’s Chris Miranda Award, and the Spirit of Tlatelolco Award, among others.



Ramos has published nine novels and one short story collection. He has received the Colorado Book Award, the Chicano/Latino Literary Award, and the Top Hand Award from the Colorado Authors League. He has received three Honorable Mentions from the Latino International Book Awards. He was also a finalist of the Edgar Award.