Miguel Angel Sabater Reyes

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of TWO FOR TWO Literary Agency.

Miguel Ángel Sabater Reyes was born in Havana in 1960. He graduated in Philology at Havana University, and currently works as a writer, lecturer and historical researcher.

Some of his most notorious books are Orishas’ Tales, Sabeatierra, The Last Days of Jaime Partagás and Flowers for a legend.

Since 1994, Sabater has published more than 90 historical and archival articles. Furthermore, he has taken part in several interviews and reports of national relevance.



His own experience as historical researcher has bestowed Sabater of a great ability in making fieldworks. The writer is highly able to collect relevant pieces of information.

Moreover, Miguel A. Sabater is a versatile author who is able to give another turn of the screw in the traditional historical narratives. He mixed other sort of literary genres, such as detective stories.