Pasqual Alapont

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of Edebé Publishing House.

Pasqual Alapont is a Spanish writer, screenwriter, and playwright. After having graduated with a degree in Geography and History at the University of Valencia in Spain, he began working with publishing houses as a translator, language revisor and editor. He simultaneously began writing his own novels, scripts, and theater plays, many of which have received numerous awards and acknowledgments.



He has more than 30 works under his belt, including The Black Sheep (La oveja negra), which received the Edebe Young Adult Literature Award. He also received special recognition as an author of young adult literature and is considered a best-selling author.

He has been given the following awards: the Max Aub de las Artes Escénicas Award from the Valencian Government, the Micalet Theater Award, the Enric Valor Award, the Bancaja Young Adult Award, the Joanot Martorell Award, the Consell Català del Llibre per a Infants i Joves Award, and the Porrot d’Honor de les Lletres Valencianes Award. He has also been given the Serra D’Or Critics Award, the Protagonista Jove Award and he received special mention at the White Ravens Award Ceremony held in Munich.