Sergio Mondelo

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of Sergio Mondelo

 Sergio Mondelo Works is a French writer, director and scriptwriter that has quite a long professional career.

Among his many different creations, he has made documentaries about big celebrities, such as Ava, la diva y el dictador, Almodóvar, todo sobre ellas, and Dalí, l’homme qui amait les muses. All of them have been critically acclaimed in France.

Mondelo has also developed three thriller stories in the M6 channel in France: Mauvais Présages, Accord ser a cris and La Chaine Brisée.

On the other hand, his literary skills made possible for Sergio to write a novel called La guerre des moutons. Furthermore, Mondelo has written in Libération, a French newspaper, and L’Evénement du jeudi, a weekly journal.



Mondelo has proven all throughout his career that he is a versatile artist. He has managed to work in many different fields such as cinema or literature.

One of his recent projects is Los perros (i.e. The Dogs, in English), a thriller story which takes place in Madrid in the 1920s. Additionally, the main characters of this original work are Salvador Dalí, Luis Buñuel and Federico García Lorca.