Víctor del Árbol

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

Victor del Árbol (Barcelona 1968) studied History at the University of Barcelona, worked for two years as a broadcaster and collaborator in the social reality radio program “Catalunya sense barreres”.

Del Árbol is a very prolific writer in the crime novel genre, and his style is highly acclaimed by critics. They have even said that “Víctor del Árbol’s novels go beyond the classic codes of the thriller. The skill with which he handles the comings and goings of the different eras is impressive”.



La tristeza del samurai was translated into ten languages and became a best-seller in France, where it won the Prix du Polar Européen award for the best European crime novel and was a finalist for the Prix Polar SNFC.

Critics say that “there is a Spanish author who can stand up to the Scandinavian crime novel: Víctor del Árbol”. His awards include the Nadal Prize, the Tormo Negro Prize for Crime Novels and the Quercy Noir Prize